No News Is Good News Many of you have noticed that the website has not been updated with "Latest News" in a while. Please know that this is because life has largely shifted back into a "normal" mode and Les is doing well. - Check out the link at right for photos from Les' Make-A-Wish trip to Orlando , Florida - Jan. 2009. Les came through his port removal/g-tube closure surgery in April of 2005 with flying colors. He no longer has any foreign objects in his body. He is currently taking a growth hormone and a thyroid replacement medication. Les was home schooled in Kindergarten and 1st grade by mom through a public charter which provided his therapy through an IEP. Les started 2nd grade in Aug. 2006 at the public elementary school down the street. He made new friends and slowly transitioned into the classroom environment. Les completed 5th grade at the public elementary school and did well. In addition to his regular class time, Les had an IEP and was pu...
Les Fountain's Cancer Experience