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Showing posts from March, 2005

Thu. 3/17/05 - St. Patrick's Day

Thursday, 3/17/05 Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you! Sorry it’s been so long without an update. Life is moving along around here at a far more rapid pace than in the past. Les is doing great! And we are all transitioning back into a “normal” schedule. You know, like cleaning the house on a regular basis, grocery shopping, laundry, schoolwork, yard work, church volunteering, etc. My I forgot how busy one could get when they concentrate on more than one thing at a time. Thanks to everyone who allowed us to NOT have to concentrate on many of these mundane items while Les was in treatment. It took me awhile to get used to shopping and cooking again, but I have actually enjoyed it lately. I guess you all want an update on how Les is doing. He had his monthly clinic visit yesterday, and if the amount of time spent with the Dr. is any indication of severity of prognosis, we’re in the clear. The Dr. was in the room for less than five minutes and besides listening to Les’ heart and lungs, the...